My Services
Following an initial assessment, a treatment plan is made to suit the individual patient and family. Here are some of the services on offer.
All services are following veterinary referral only
Covering Ruthin, Wrexham, Chester, North Wales coast, Oswestry
Prices starting from £40 dependent on location
Initial assessment of muscle tone, muscle mass and joint mobility
Pain assessment
Home modifications to ease stiffness and discomfort
Therapeutic exercises aimed to target specific areas of weakness or tension
Massage to improve muscle comfort and flexibility
Treatment plan taking into account individual time, budget and needs
See direct for prices
Hydrotherapy realigns and improves muscle mass without the pressure on joints.
Sessions are at Country Canines Hydrotherapy
For more information, please contact 01829 782627
Sports MOT, fitness and conditioning
Prices starting from £40 dependent on location
Sports dogs are athletes and require a personalised fitness plan tailored to their specific muscle tone.
Session includes:
Gait analysis
Muscle and joint assessment including measurements
Tailored home exercise plan
Physiotherapy machines
Included in cost of physiotherapy treatment
Machines aid treatment by providing a non-invasive method of easing pain and spasms. They can aid with many conditions which Emma will discuss with you if they are applicable in consult.
Available machines:
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Red and Blue Phototherapy
Group fitness and conditioning
Prices vary dependent on location and number of participants
Demonstration and opportunities to practice core strengthening and fitness exercises.
Group sessions tailored to the participant's ability.
Suitable for agility clubs, puppy classes, veterinary practices, dog walking groups.